Quote Structure in Progress

​Quote Structure

​We have created the smartest and easiest quote templates. Simply use our 'Rapid Quote' module for really simple 'how much is this item' type questions with just 1 or 2 items.
Or use the full quote template with flexible % or $ discounts, global discounts, flexible freight and day charges for anything that needs a little more attention or detail.

  • Create a 'Rapid Quote' with just a name, date and email address or mobile phone (sms) contact.
  • Set Quote expiry, delivery date and time, collection date and time.
  • Set Quote Payment terms including percentage or fixed initial payment, final installment due date.
  • Accept Quote and make initial payment to confirm via Stripe. The customer completes all fields to finalise the booking.
  • ​Beautiful appearance. Your quote includes the hero thumbnail from your item or packages, it's description and any included discounts, terms or conditions easily laid out for them.
  • Quote Review Button. Just in case you missed the mark, we have a place where a client can ask for a review of their quote. A much better alternative where you open communication instead of losing a sale.
  • Create more than 1 variation. Add as many alternatives to a single quote letter as you want so your client can choose what fits best. We have tested this up to a ridiculous 15 variations at one time and it works so smoothly.

Sample of quote being prepared. Final version will be similar with UI revisions

Customer quote partially paid.

An accepted customer quote. Note the clear call to action with final payment due date. Final production UI may change.